Creative Marketing: Artists Statewide sing praises of Montana Artrepreneur Program
- At February 20, 2015
- By Surale Phillips
- In News/Blog
Recent program evaluation by Surale Phillips reveals major impact on artists and economy.
“Creative Marketing: Artists Statewide sing praises of Montana Artrepreneur Program”
CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE in the Independent Record
If you are looking for new ways to measure the impact of your programs, this is worth checking out.
You had me at hello.
- At April 03, 2014
- By Surale Phillips
- In News/Blog
New article about working with media. It was nice to hear from some folks that this was timely and perfectly executed. Hope you enjoy it!
- At September 05, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In News/Blog
I discovered Arts Crush and Sam Read at the National Arts Marketing Project Conference as was delighted to see how CNY Jazz Arts has taken the concept and adapted it to a collaborative immersion arts festival and creators conclave in Syracuse. I’ll be hitting the streets with volunteer surveyors during the festival and look forward to sharing the results of the impact of this event! Read about it here:
Some exciting results of our work in Syracuse
- At May 08, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog
It’s great to see how some things come full circle. Our work in Syracuse is leading to many exciting projects, one of which is an upcoming community arts engagement festival called CRAVE. Read about it here:
Measuring Program Impact
- At April 30, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog
An article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy today reminds us again of the importance of documenting and measuring the impact of our programs continually. While most of us do it when we have a specific a grant and a final report due on the project, very few of us do it regularly. Regularly evaluating programs not only helps to refine them and course correct when necessary, it also helps to sustain them by providing evidence of impact to future funding partners.
Read the article here.
Innovative Opera Programming
- At March 29, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In News/Blog
Kudos to Opera Memphis and Ned Canty for their innovative approach to building opera audiences! The Midtown Opera Festival offers a “little taste of everything” and should prove to be a winning recipe. Keep an eye on this and read the article.
Opera America mentions our work
- At February 06, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog
Congrats to Opera Memphis for the recent article in Opera America Magazine. And, thanks for mentioning our work with first-time opera goers!
Art Exhibition Supported by IDEAS Collaborative Grant
- At February 06, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog, Uncategorized
Nice article on a project that was an outcome of the IDEAS Collaborative in Syracuse, a project wrapping up this year. Click link to download article.
Free nonprofit tech tools
- At January 03, 2013
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog
This list of free technology tools for nonprofits is worth checking out. I found a photo editing tool I had only dreamed about!
Great Marquee
- At December 31, 2012
- By Surale Phillips
- In General, News/Blog
Love this marquee for the Santa Barbara Symphony’s New Year’s Eve Pops concert! Speaks to a young target market in the right language.